The way in which a stage appears to the audience is critical to the performance. It's also necessary that the way a scene looks in a movie portrays the feelings and thoughts you want, to the audience. In the movie "Othello", we saw that the director wanted the lighting to be dim, very soft music if any, and a black, white, and red color palate. This helped set the mood for the dramatic scene in which four of the characters were going to die. When the light was focused on the faces, it drew attention to the character's feelings in a powerful way because the rest of the scene was dark. Because of lighting effects, we can see how upset Othello is right before he is about to kill Desdemona. We see him crying and the lighting really shines on his tears making him really seem like he is torn between killing her or letting her live. The soft music made the dialog more intense and the black and white allowed no visual distractions to take away from the scene. The only color was red, which signified the blood and that made the appearance of blood more intense. Having all of the characters die on the bed added more meaning to the scene. The three characters who have been decieved lie next to each other on the bed, while Iago lies at the foot of the bed. It signifies that this whole ordeal began because of Iago, and therefore, he doesn't get to lie next to his "friends". Overall, the direction was very good at creating a sense of drama and drawing attention to what deserved it.